What Causes Hemorrhoids - 4 Reasons For Your Painful Piles

Before you embark on a solution to get rid of piles there are a few pointers that you need to establish first. One of the most common signs that indicates that you may have hemorrhoids, otherwise known as 'piles' is the appearance of blood on the toilet paper after passing a stool.

So with all these factors listed, you would think it would be hard to avoid piles. Yes and no. Some pregnant women will get piles and in truth there is not much you can do about it apart from treat the condition. However the number one factor that everyone should avoid is constipation.

The second step would be to add more fiber into your diet. Fiber, especially those that come from leafy vegetables, cereals and whole grains, act as a scouring pad for your intestines. Fiber helps make it easier for your stool to pass through your bowels and out of your system. This piles remedy will really help you.

Protruding Mass - With external piles you can feel the swelling around the anal opening. Internal piles cannot always be detected but as they become worse they may protrude during a bowel movement and then retract by themselves on completion. If the condition becomes worse the piles may not go back. This is one of the causes of anal leakage.

The use of suppositories: many people use suppositories nowadays because it is a popular remedy piles doctor in jaipur for piles. It delivers result but it is not to everybody. All you have to do to it is to add moisture to the affected region at the time of your rectal pressure. The aim of using suppository is to see that the healing phase continues till the finish phase.

To cure piles, one must go to the source. If you can stop yourself from aggravating your piles, you then have a good chance that you can cure them. Piles begin if you have difficult bowel movements. It puts a lot of strain on the blood vessels there.

So far, the most definite way to get relief from piles is surgery but this is risky, invasive, costly and time-consuming. So try these easy reliefs first and they may work for you. Or at least they will prevent you from going under the knife.

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